November 2 2013 by
Sharlie in
word |
You use commands to tell Microsoft Word what to do. In Microsoft Word 2013, you use the Ribbon to issue commands. The Ribbon is located near the top of the window, below the Quick Access toolbar and the Title bar. At the top of the Ribbon are several tabs. Clicking a tab displays several command groups.
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November 1 2013 by
Sharlie in
word |
You use the Word window to interact with Word—you type your text into the window and you use the window to tell Word what to do. Here I will explain the parts of the Word window. In the upper-left corner of the window is the Quick Access toolbar, sometimes referred to as the QAT.
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October 31 2013 by
Sharlie in
word |
This tutorial is based on Microsoft Word 2013 and is written for the computer novice. Although it will help if you know a little bit about getting around on your computer, this tutorial assumes you know nothing about Word. I will begin by showing you how to open the software. Open Microsoft Word: Windows 7
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October 31 2013 by
Sharlie in
word |
Hello, my name is Sharlie Douglass. Welcome to my Microsoft Word 2013 tutorial. My aim is to take you step-by-step through the process of learning Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word is a word processing software package. You can use it to write letters, reports, essays, journals, and other documents that contain text and images. Word does
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